Using the STAR Method to Create Bullet Points
Not only should bullet points list the things you did at a job, but they should also highlight all of your accomplishments and successes within the position.
We identified two primary types of bullet points: task-oriented and achievement-oriented. Task-oriented bullets focus on the work you undertook, not the skills you mastered for completing such projects. Achievement-oriented bullets emphasize the skills you already have that will be helpful to your future employer. Try switching your bullets from task-oriented to achievement-oriented by using the STAR method.
STAR Method
Situation: What was the situation, problem, or conflict you faced?
Task: What were you tasked with? What were your responsibilities or goals?
Action: What action did you take? How did you solve this problem? (start with action verbs)
Result: What was the result or outcome of your action? How did it benefit the organization? Can this result be quantified?
Structure - Action verb (in past tense) noun [what did you do?] additional descriptive phrases [Where? How? How many? For whom? Etc.]
The following examples demonstrate things to avoid while writing your bullet points, as well as how to successfully implement the STAR method to create effective bullets.
Example: Ineffective bullet point
- Lead weekly brainstorming meetings with 5+ members of the marketing team
Example: Effective bullet point
- Developed market penetration strategies in brainstorming meetings directly responsible for increasing market share by 33%