Where Is My Interview Feedback?

Generating feedback from your mock AI interview typically takes longer than your resume analysis. Quinn analyzes the recording of your interview (video and audio) to provide you with useful feedback once your interview is uploaded to our system. This can take up to 48 hours during high-traffic interview times. 

Follow these steps so we can provide accurate feedback on your interview: 

  1. After your last question, click Finish Interview.
  2. Follow all of Quinn's directions on the screen. 
  3. If you are satisfied with your interview, click I'd like feedback. 
  4. Leave your browser open and stay on the page for a few minutes so we can complete the upload. The upload time is dependent on your internet connection.

    Warning: Do NOT refresh your page. Your interview may be lost if you do.

    Note: You can always retake your interview if you are not satisfied.  

Please keep the following in mind:  

  • It can take anywhere from 20 minutes to a few hours to receive your feedback.
  • You will receive an email when it is ready. 
  • During times of high volume, 24-48 hours is acceptable to turnaround feedback. 
  • Reach out to our support team if you do not receive your interview feedback within 48 hours. 

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