Default Headline Detected

Quinn noticed that your LinkedIn profile uses the default headline, which is automatically set to your most recent job title and company. A customized headline is a great opportunity to highlight your skills, expertise, and personal brand. Consider updating your headline to make it more engaging and reflective of your professional identity.

To edit your professional headline:
  1. Click the Me icon at top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  2. Click View Profile.
  3. Click the Edit icon in your introduction section.
  4. In the Edit intro pop-up window, make your changes in the Headline field.
  5. Click Save.

  • If your professional headline and current position are the same, your current position won't be displayed in the top section of your profile.
  • Editing the headline doesn't change what's listed in the Current, Previous, and Education lines in the top section of your profile.
  • If the changes to your headline aren't reflected on your LinkedIn homepage, make sure you're editing the correct language profile.

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