Lack of LinkedIn Activity

Quinn detected that your LinkedIn profile shows little to no activity or posts. Regular activity on LinkedIn, such as posting content, and engaging with others, enhances your visibility and networking opportunities. Consider increasing your activity level to strengthen your professional presence and connect with your LinkedIn network more effectively.

You can post text, images, videos, and documents to engage with your Page’s followers. Posts will display on your Page and on your followers’ LinkedIn feeds. Pages that post weekly have five times more followers that grow seven times faster than Pages that post monthly.

To post as your Page:

  1. Click Start a post at the top of your LinkedIn homepage to share a post.
    • Posts are displayed in the language you use for your post.
    • You can tag members or other Pages in your post.
  2. Type the content of your post in the Share your thoughts... field.
  3. Click the  Add media or Document icon to upload a photo, video, or document from your computer.
    • Select a file from your library or create a new photo, or video, or document.   
    • If you post a video, you can add your own closed captioning or turn on automatic captions.
  4. Select who you want to share the post with.
  5. Click Post.

If you don't have time to finish the post, don't worry - you can save your post as a Draft and complete it later.

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