No Work Experience? No Problem!

Resumes are all about highlighting your education, work experiences, and skills you gained from each. If you don't have work experience, you can still create an attention-grabbing resume to help you land a new gig. 

Work experiences are not the only way to learn new skills. You probably gained skills from plenty of other activities that you can include as experience. Think back to the clubs you have been in, the class projects you've worked on, the after-school activities you attended, and even the children you babysat. These are all valuable experiences that encouraged you to develop and strengthen your skills.  

In this case, don't use Work Experience as the title of your section. Just put Experience so you can include all the different experiences you listed underneath. 

For each experience, you typically want to list a company name, location, title, the dates you completed this experience, and relevant duties/achievements in bullet points. When you don't have work experience, the company name won't be a company, so you can list the place you completed that experience. For example, put your school name as the company where you completed a class project. Put Self-Employed if you want to list a babysitting gig. 

When listing your title, think of the role you played in the experience. Were you a team member or a leader while working on a project with other students? What was the project? Were you a volunteer completing tasks for an organization? Use those answers to narrow down your options, and make sure to choose a common name for the position so the ATS can parse your resume.  

For the dates, all you need to list is the month/year. If it started and ended in the same month/year, that is fine! 

Lastly, writing effective bullet points is the best way to help you stand out from other candidates. Use this article to help you write impactful bullet points. Avoid just listing the tasks you completed. Rather, highlight the impact you made and the skills you learned from the experience. Don't rush this portion! 

What does this look like on my resume?


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