AI Interviews 101

Employers frequently use AI interviews to evaluate a large number of applicants at once without having to meet them all in person. Each applicant answers interview questions selected by the hiring manager and records themselves doing so. The AI then analyzes the interview and submits the best candidates to the hiring manager for further consideration. AI interviews are the future, so it is important to prepare for them ahead of time! 

Why do companies use AI interviews?

Companies used to run resumes through an ATS for analysis, but the systems rejected roughly 95% of candidates. Over time, hiring managers noticed that the strict ATS caused them to miss many qualified candidates. Using AI interviews as part of the ATS analysis increases the amount of data that companies have on each candidate while decreasing the percentage of qualified applicants that they missed. Now, about 70-80% of applicants receive rejections based just on their resumes. 

How do AI interviews work?

Hiring managers gather information to form a list of interview questions. They typically look at successful internal candidates and identify the skills that would make an applicant successful in the open position. When applicants start the AI interview, they have to answer the questions and record their responses within an allotted time. The AI then analyzes the interview and sends the data to the hiring manager. The hiring manager reviews all of the remaining candidates to make the final selection. 

How does AI analyze and evaluate your performance?

AI uses a variety of metrics to analyze your interview performance. The first category measures the content of your interviews, including keywords, essential skills, and how you discuss information from your resume. The second category analyzes your delivery and disposition, including tone, clarity, style of speech, micro-expressions, and body movement. The last category assesses your presentation and set-up, like your clothing, background, and cultural fit.

How can you prepare?

If you know the formula the AI uses to evaluate interviews, you can use it to your advantage. Review the metrics with Quinncia and brainstorm ways in which you can tailor your responses and score well in these categories. 

You can use the STAR method to help you score well on the content metrics. STAR stands for situation, task, action, and result. Phrase your responses using this format to emphasize your relevant technical, essential, and core skills. You can also use the opportunity to expand on the accomplishments that you listed on your resume. 

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