What Should I Include in a Bullet Point?

#1 Essential Skills

First thing's first. Every bullet point MUST include one Essential skill. It's all in the name - essential skills are essential. Practically every employer looks for the essential skills that a candidate brings to the table.

Though the list of essential skills is long, the National Board of Colleges & Employers (NACE) have defined 8 core skills to keep in mind.have defined 8 core skills to keep in mind:

  1. Critical Thinking/Problem Solving
  2. Oral/Written Communications
  3. Teamwork/Collaboration
  4. Digital Technology
  5. Leadership
  6. Professionalism/Work Ethic
  7. Career Management
  8. Global/Intercultural Fluency

Use action verbs to articulate your essential skills. Your bullet points should ideally start with a past tense action verb to help draw readers in and highlight the achievements you have made. Here's an article on writing achievement statements!


#2 Technical Skills

Technical skills are the skills you learned during your time at college. Think of what you gained from the time you spent in the classroom, doing schoolwork, and completing professional experiences. 

Make sure to select specific technical skills that are relevant to the position and beneficial to employers. Try putting yourself in their shoes to understand what technical skills to include on your resume. It is helpful to think of the different tools you have used (software, equipment, etc.) over time and include those in your technical skills section. 

All of the skills should be industry-specific. Use job descriptions to identify which technical skills are necessary for that position and tailor your resume accordingly. 

Examples: JavaScript, social media marketing, or customer relationship management (CRM) use

#3 Results

Even though the outcome/result of your work is important, most people forget to include it. Doing so showcases the value you could add to a future employer's business. It also shows that you understand the big picture and that you contributed to the goals of the organization. Focus on the outcome of what you did and why you did it. 

This portion should essentially be in 2 forms: monetary or percentage (i.e., you increased something by X% or saved $X).

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